Don’t Try Harder—Train!

We know that in every area of life, if we are going to be better at what we are doing, at who we are becoming, that we must train. Often in the Christian life we think it is as simple as just trying harder to do good, to be good. That doesn't work in Christianity, just as it doesn't work in our professional life, our social life, or our recreational life. We know and understand that in those latter areas—we need to better understand that in the realm of our faith.Here's how Jesus helps us in Matthew 11:28 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light."Come to Me (Jesus)—those of you who are fed up with doing things your own way.I will give you rest—you can quit worrying and fretting over what to do and how to live.Take My yoke—join in with Me where I am; do not pull against Me. Don’t run ahead; don’t drag behind; be content to be where I am, doing what I am doing.Let Me teach you—this process of learning is one of humility; it is a continual process, where we are always arriving, but never quite arrive; just when we think we know it all, we will learn something new, if we are not so arrogant as to assume that we know all there is to know.Soul rest—peace that passes understanding; a kind of steadiness regardless of the circumstances; a certainty that defies the circumstances; a resolve that cannot be shaken (think here of Paul and Silas singing while locked in a dungeon); it is an other-worldliness that can only be explained in terms of a deep, abiding faith in Christ and His Word.It is clear that Jesus has an expectation that we will do more than be a "vampire Christian"; i.e., need a little of His blood to get to heaven. The Kingdom—as represented by Jesus and His style of life has arrived, and He expects that we will live like Him, that we will be His students, that we will learn from Him how to live life, and then we will live it. Let's go for it with all that we are or ever hope to be!Abba Father, thank You for showing us how to live through Your son, Jesus Christ; thank You for the gift of Scripture and Holy Spirit, both of which / Whom equip us in living the Christ-life; empower us today and always to do just that. Amen.A fellow beggar along the Way,Greg


Journey Man


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