Safety Inspector, Grandfather, CrossFitter


A regiment of cholesterol and blood pressure medicine dominated Eddie Sides’ daily life. He was struggling with his health, gaining weight, and looking for energy. Without a change, Eddie knew his lifestyle was becoming dangerous. That was six years ago.Eddie went in search of a remedy that didn’t come in a bottle. “I knew I had to do something to feel better,” he said, “so I joined the gym—to get healthy.”In high school Eddie played football, so working out was not a foreign concept. But that was all pre-marriage. “After I got married and had kids, life got so busy,” Eddie recalls. “I didn't really work out much. So, for probably 20 years, I only worked out sporadically.”Then his son Logan introduced him to CrossFit. And Sally Greene welcomed him to the CrossFit 205 box.“Logan was doing CrossFit in Florence to prepare for the Air Force,” Eddie said. “He moved back home for a while and talked me into going with him. I was hooked immediately.”CrossFit was so appealing to Eddie because he was looking for something that included cardio and strength training, but the workout could be done in about an hour.Today this 59-year-old Cordova native is feeling better than he has in many years. Now he’s breaking personal goals and flipping heavy tires when he’s not ensuring safety conditions for the many men and women below the earth’s surface or rocking his five-month-old granddaughter to sleep.As a safety auditor for Cliff's Natural Resources at Oak Grove, Eddie walks several miles each day, sometimes three to four miles at a time and in areas only 50-60 inches high.“Working out has really helped with my job,” he insists. “I have to walk throughout certain areas of the mine to check the safety aspects. So, it really helps to be in shape. Plus, I no longer take blood pressure or cholesterol medicine. My weight is down, and I have more energy and I just feel better.”Most days of the week you can find Eddie at the CrossFit 205 box in Jasper, joking about how tough the WOD will be, pushing himself to beat a goal, or encouraging the other athletes around him.“I like the challenge of the more difficult WODs,” he says as he smiles. “To be able to finish the hard ones feels great. Plus, I’m staying healthy which I think helps me stay more focused. My memory seems to be better, and I just feel better.”Eddie is one of the favorites at CrossFit 205. “The gym is not the same when Eddie’s not there,” says Al Blanton. “He’s an encourager. He always seems to have a great attitude and he never complains about anything. It’s amazing to me that he’s 59 years old and a grandfather, because he looks about 30 and does just about as well as anyone in the gym. He’s really an inspiration to all of us.”Now that Eddie has found CrossFit, he says, “Working out helps me to be able to go to work, do my job, and still feel good at the end of the day. I look forward to going every day.” 78

For more information about joining CrossFit 205, please call (205) 300-3011.


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