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From One Man to Another

Hager Oil 2Steve Hager graduated at the University of Alabama with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He came directly home and went to work for his father in Jasper, in a little building right across the street from where Hager Oil is today. After his father became sick and was no longer able to work, Hager became part-owner of the business with his two sisters. He later bought them out.The motivation for continuing this company through the years has been based up-on competitiveness. “It’s what you do in the United States. You strive to succeed,” Hager says.At the age of sixty-five, Hager has decided it is time to sell the business, knowing that James Eidson is the one to takeover the company. He met Eidson through the Alabama Oilmen’s Association.“James is just like I am, and he will treat my employees just like I treat them,” Hager continues, “It’s not me that made this business big; it is me to some extent, but my employees helped me do it.”The Hager staff has taken to the news of Eidson buying out the company very well.“It’s blue skies,” Hager says.Although Eidson has become the new owner, Hager will continue working. “I don’t know if I am retired. I may not ever retire,” Hager says. Yes, he might go on a couple of beach trips or go fishing in Alaska, but Hager assures us that he will stay active.James Eidson graduated from Birmingham Southern College with a degree in Accounting. He worked six years in public accounting and then six years in banking. In the midst of banking, he talked with an owner of a Texaco oil company and discussed if he could come to work and eventually buy him out. In 1992, he went to work for the oil industry and in 1999, he bought the Texaco company. Eidson is a former president of the Petroleum Association. He has also served on the Chamber of Commerce, served as an officer of United Way, and is currently serving on the legislative committee of the Petroleum and Convenience Marketers of Alabama. Both Eidson and Hager Oil are very active in their trade associations.“It’s a very important part of our industry,” Eidson says.Hager and Eidson have been friends for over twenty years now and still continue to confide in each other. “Steve has become my mentor and that is why it is great to have him around,” Eidson claims.Eidson saw an opportunity through Hager Oil Company. The idea of buying the company came through a casual conversation. At first he was hesitant to expand his company but Hager saw potential in Eidson. It has turned into a great decision for both the men.“It has been a really good thing. I can’t say enough good things,” Eidson says, reflecting on the move.Eidson is not planning to do anything different than when Hager ran the company. The company will continue to grow by following the saying, “There is no I in team”, and they plan to keep it that way.As Hager’s company has gone from a little building across the street to a well-known, successful business, its only way to go is up and to keep the Hager company’s tradition of hard work going. There is no doubt Eidson is a wonderful addition to the Hager Oil family. 78