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Stacy Seals is helping local Army recruits get in shape

IMG_3642-5A few months ago Stacy Seals was approached by his long time friend Joe Sargent asking for a favor. Joe, now retired from the military, needed someone to work with a few Army enlistees and get them into top physical condition before deployment. Stacy, owner of Solid Image Fitness in Jasper, had worked with a couple of young men in the past, including Joe himself."The military is physically demanding and their enlistment standards are high. I was overweight and Stacy helped me drop some pounds, so he was the first one I thought of," Joe says, relaxing in a chair in Stacy's office. At the age of 43, Joe exhibits the same energy of a man half his age. Even when he is sitting still, he is like a coiled spring. It's hard to believe that only a few weeks ago he was undergoing surgeries on his back and knee."I had worked with a kid who was trying to get into the Naval Academy," Stacy adds, seated behind his desk. "My only request was I wanted a T-shirt. This kid passed his physical, passed his ASVAB test, and he made it. And I got the T-shirt," he grins, gesturing toward a dark blue Navy shirt hanging on the back of the door.For the past two or three months, Stacy has been working with three young Army recruits: Craig Lewis, 27, Blake Wiley, 20, and Cy (pronounced "Ky") Ross, 23. Craig will be working in military intelligence and leaves for basic training in less than a week. Cy's goal is to be a Ranger. Both he and Blake will be leaving soon, and appear to be physically ready."Blake has dropped 32 pounds in two months. He's lost 6% of his body fat," Joe says, beaming almost like a proud dad. "Cy has lost 11 pounds in one month. And Craig is so smart. This guy has it both mentally and physically." It's obvious to even a casual observer that these three young men have a high respect for Joe and look to him as a mentor, even referring to him with a wry smile as "our Yoda." His dedication to them is so intense that Joe himself has recently lost 27 pounds working out with them.The process of getting into shape involves more than physical workouts. Stacy recommends a high protein, low carb diet. "No fried foods, no Cokes, nothing that's bad for you. When you eat healthy, you just feel better. It's a total lifestyle change," he explains, accompanied by four heads nodding in agreement.The enthusiasm and passion is not only palpable, but contagious. "I get excited, I get fired up," Stacy grins. "I don't run them to death but I work them pretty hard. We hit the tire, then the sledgehammer, we do a good 30-40 minute workout. And they work hard, they have respect for me and for the members here, and they don't complain. Since they've been working out here, I've never heard one complaint.""Stacy is super nice to offer his help," Joe adds. "The Army is a great life, but it's hard to get in. This gives them an advantage over other recruits. If you don't pass their weight guidelines, you're done. We're just grateful to have Stacy.""It's not about me or my business," Stacy shrugs. "My dad had an appreciation for the military. He had a hotel business when I was growing up, and he was giving military discounts even before there was such a thing. I just want to give back." 78There are plans in the works to approach recruiters from the other branches of the military. If you are considering enlisting and would like more information, contact Joe Sargent at 205-388-2544 or Stacy Seals at 205-221-4225.