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The Lure of the Taco

Images by Blakeney Cox0Y9A9352ta·que·ri·a  (tä′kə-rē′ə)n. A place where tacos, burritos, and other Mexican dishes are made and sold.Taco stands.Maybe you’ve seen them on the beach, in a movie, or on an old episode of Starsky and Hutch. Think hard now. When’s the last time you saw a taco stand in Jasper, Alabama?That just changed. Parked inconspicuously in a vacant lot along Highway 78 East in Jasper, a small white camper with a tent in front sits unobtrusively. The tantalizing aroma of hot Mexican food wafts by on a breeze, and before you realize it, you’re being reeled in, closer and closer, like a Greek sailor lured by the siren’s song. Resistance is futile.On the sign in front, printed in pink letters against a white background, are the words Taqueria Raquel. Owned and operated by Basilio Hernandez, his wife Raquel, (hence the name) son Lorenzo and daughter Victoria, Taqueria Raquel opened May 7th this year, and serves a variety of Mexican foods, including quesadillas, tamales, burritos, tortas, and of course, tacos. They are open 10 am-7pm Monday-Thursday, 10:30-9 pm Friday and Saturday, and 1pm-7pm on Sunday. The response so far has been very encouraging. Basilio says business has been muy bueno.Lorenzo nods in agreement. “We plan to stay awhile.” 780Y9A9340