A Walk Through Time- Walker County High School


Colonel Lycurgus Breckinridge (L.B.) Musgrove is normally associated with the country club that bears his name. Musgrove was highly influential in the early years of Walker County. He not only gave land for building three churches, but in 1909 he donated five acres on what was then Academy Hill to build the first Walker County High School. Daniel Harmon was the school principal.On January 28, 1916, the building was totally destroyed by fire. Students met temporarily in a home owned by a family named Thornhill. Col. Musgrove graciously donated 47 acres in honor of his mother, Elizabeth Cain Musgrove, for a new school. With other donations from local citizens, a new three-story building was built for $40,000.When Walker County High School and Jasper Junior High consolidated in 1929, a wing was added to the school at a cost of $17,500. A year later a new auditorium was added, as well as classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, and athletic dressing rooms. Walker County High School became the first in this county to have an indoor basketball facility.Some of the school’s notable alumni include Bruce Jones, Slick Lollar, and Claude Perry, all who played for the Green Bay Packers, actor George Lindsey, and Miss Alabama 1995 Leigh Sherer. 78 Photos courtesy Pat Morrison  


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