Soul of 78- Mitsy Reed


“When Greg and I first got married I had never really lived away from Walker County. Well, Greg got a job in Jackson, Mississippi, and the whole time I prayed, ‘Lord, just get me back home, get me back home.’ So, about a year and a half later, the Lord answered my prayer and we moved back to Birmingham. It wasn’t Jasper, but it was close enough to visit.”

“Greg and I dated 6 years before we got married, and then waited 6 years to have kids. I worked those 6 years and then when we decided to have children, I told him I wanted to move back to Walker County. Growing up in Cordova –actually I grew up in Dovertown – it was just a small town, community-feel and I wanted my kids to experience that too. My dad comes from a big family and every spring break we would go camping. His brothers and sisters, and all of my cousins – there would be anywhere from 40-60 of us and we would just load up and go to the campground for that whole week. I wanted the kids to experience that kind of thing.”

“We moved back here when Andrew and James were two and John Michael was just born. Small town, community life is very important to us. I loved growing up where everybody knew everybody – going down the road, you wave at people, you go in a store and you talk to people. You can’t do that in a big city.”

-Mitsy Reed

#Soulof78 #78Magazine

Photo + Interview by Blakeney Cox


A Walk Through Time-Uncle Mort’s Restaurant


Soul of 78- Rick Waldrop