$550,000 in Grants Will Help Re-Build Oakman’s Water Infrastructure System, Says Senator Greg Reed 


OAKMAN, Ala. – Senate Majority Leader Greg Reed and Governor Kay Ivey’s office on Thursday announced that $550,000 in grant money is headed to the City of Oakman to finance the first major overhaul of Oakman’s water infrastructure system in decades.“I applaud Mayor Cory Franks for working hard to put his city in a position to qualify for these grants,” Reed said. “I’m not sure there is anything more important than having safe bridges, roads, and drinking water. It has been a privilege to work with Representative Tim Wadsworth to make Oakman’s needs known in Montgomery, and I appreciate Governor Ivey’s responsiveness in making this a priority for her office.”The City of Oakman will use the grants to replace and repair sections of its antiquated sewer system. The replacement and rehabilitation of the main sewer lines and the elimination of infiltration and inflow problems will address potential sewer-related health hazards.“This is huge news for our city – it has been years since Oakman has been able to do a large-scale renovation of the sewer system, and especially the lagoons need extensive repair work,” Oakman Mayor Cory Franks said. “I appreciate Senator Reed and Representative Wordsworth working with us to secure these grants.”The $550,000 is made up of a $200,000 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission, a federal-state partnership designed to bolster economic growth in the thirteen Appalachian states, and a $350,000 Community Development Block Grant, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs.“My administration is committed to ensuring economic growth for all of Alabama, especially our rural areas,” Governor Ivey remarked. “I am glad that we could allocate this money to fund much-needed infrastructure repairs in Oakman, and I commend Senator Reed and Representative Wordsworth for working with my office and Mayor Franks to get this project off the ground.”The Oakman project includes the following activities: dredging and removing sludge accumulation in lagoon cells; replacing cell aerators; modifying an existing lift station; replacing 870 linear feet of sewer main; replacing four manholes and two creek crossings; raising one manhole; and constructing one highway bore.“Mayor Franks and Lisa Lockhart were instrumental in getting this grant money to Oakman, and I’m glad Senator Reed and I were able to help them secure these grants for their city,” Wadsworth said Thursday morning. “I appreciate Governor Ivey’s commitment to the rural areas of Alabama - rebuilding rural infrastructure is very important, and all parties involved have worked hard to help Oakman find the resources necessary to rebuild its water infrastructure system.” 


Soul of 78 - Mike Morton


Soul of 78- Jennifer Sparks