78 Magazine

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Soul of 78 - Mike Morton

“I’ve been at All Four Real Estate for 18 years now. Before that, I was the Special Education Director for the Jasper City School System. I had majored in psychology in college, and then was asked by the superintendent at the time, Dr. Bob Songer, to come work for the city school system for the summer. I taught swimming to special needs kids and fell in love with it. So, I went back to the University of Alabama to get my advanced degree, so that I could continue to work with the special education program in Jasper schools.That career carried me through 32 years of life – and then one day I got a call from James Ann Martin. She said, ‘Mike, you should really think about doing real estate. I think you’re going to be great at this.’ I took her advice, and here I am. At first, I did both – I worked in the school system and sold real estate. Eventually I retired from my first career and I’ve been at All Four ever since.I love meeting people in this job – I have made so many great friends. Throughout my years of working in real estate, I’ve been able to reconnect with families that I worked with in my previous career. I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of special needs students who are out in the world with their own career and come full circle to buy a house. It’s really been a blessing to be able to help those students again."-Mike Morton, All Four Real Estate AgentPhoto + Interview by Blakeney Cox