78 Magazine

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Soul of 78-Micaela Williams

“My dogs are really the reason I got into a more active, outdoor lifestyle. I’ve always loved to travel, to see new places and people. They love to go out and roam, love to explore. So, I guess this is a combination of two loves.

When we go kayaking, both dogs wear life jackets and ride with me. Kyzer sits perfectly still, and when he gets hot he’ll jump out and go for a swim. We hike and kayak locally, but we’ve also traveled to a lot of places out of state – even some national parks.

My favorite place in the state of Alabama is Mt. Cheaha – it’s beautiful, and of course the dogs love it too. Our favorite out of state location is Cloudland Canyon in Georgia. Recently, I went to out to Arizona, to the Grand Canyon, but that was a solo trip without the dogs. It was amazing – it’s a whole other world out west.

 It’s so important to get outside, and to just breath in some fresh air. It’s great physical exercise for me, and for the dogs, but I think it’s also important for your mental health to get outdoors. Being cooped up all day isn’t a good thing. I work indoors all day, and sometimes I don’t see the sunlight until I get off work. I think sometimes we get so consumed with work, with being behind a screen –especially with social media –that we forget to just breathe.”

-Micaela Williams, Orthodontic Assistant at PT Orthodontics, pictured with her German Shepherd, Kyzer, and Australian Shepherd, Piper

Photo + Interview by Blakeney Cox