Soul of 78-Russell Howton


“I’m a transplant. I moved to Jasper in 2002 after teaching K-3 physical education at Oak Mountain Elementary School for a year. I moved here to take the position of athletic director at Bevill State’s Jasper campus. I didn’t know a soul, and I thought that I would only stay for a couple years before leaving. Here we are, 16 years later! I consider Jasper home now. I’ve really fallen in love with the people and the atmosphere here.

I’m originally from Fayette, where my parents still reside. Birmingham was just a little too big, too busy for me. When I came here, Jasper provided that same small-town feel as home, but with the conveniences of bigger city living. It’s just been a good place for me.

I’ve bounced around a bit in my roles – I served as athletic director for ten years here in Jasper, then moved into a Director of Student Services position for around three years. From 2013 to 2016, I was over the daily operations of the Hamilton Campus, serving as the interim associate dean. Since 2016, I’ve been back in Jasper, in the office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research.

As I believe it is with any kind of work, my favorite part of this job is the relationships I get to build with the folks I come in contact with. I was a student at Bevill, many years ago at the Fayette campus. I’m a product of Bevill, and I had a good experience – so I want to make sure that the students I come in contact with have the same positive experience. Being of assistance to students who are bettering themselves – which in turn helps their families, helps the community, and has a huge impact on the entire area – is my goal.

Speaking from experience, because I went to a larger, 4-year institution right out of high school, I was like a fish out of water. I didn’t fit where I landed. After much soul searching, I came home, attended Bevill, and completed my degree. For me, just having smaller classes, getting to know my professors, and still having the opportunity to be involved in activities on campus, was a much smoother transition. You have so many opportunities here – sometimes you just have to reach out and take them.”

-Russell Howton, Bevill State Community College

Photo + Interview by Blakeney Cox


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