Soul of 78- Scott McCullar


"This is our third or fourth year doing this Thanksgiving Ministry at First Baptist Church Carbon Hill. Our church volunteers meet at the church on the morning of Thanksgiving about 9:00 a.m. to prepare the plates and we have a good time laughing and cutting up and setting up all the food.It is all organized beforehand and people are divided into teams and given their assignments, with addresses and such. We knock on the door and if people invite us in, we will go in, we won't stay long because we have other plates to deliver.Sometimes we pray with people and show them some encouragement, give them a hug and just try to connect with people. Primarily this is a shut in ministry but we will deliver to anybody. We don't want anyone to get ignored. We served about 75 to 100 plates last year. We are growing in numbers a little bit every year and want to continue to grow. We tried other things and this ministry seems to work in the town of Carbon Hill. And, you bloom where you are planted.People can contact us about getting a meal by calling First Baptist Church of Carbon Hill at 924.4145 or sending us a message on our church Facebook page. We also work with the Housing Authority in Carbon Hill to help us with people that might slip through the cracks and need a good meal on Thanksgiving. "Scott McCullarPastor at First Baptist Church Carbon HillInterview by Linley AllredPhoto by Blakeney Cox 


A Glimpse of Heaven

