78 Magazine

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Soul of 78- Jonna Lee

“I’m originally from Florida but I’ve moved all over the country – Oklahoma, Las Vegas, and now here. My parents moved to Jasper to pastor a church – Worship Life Center. That’s how I ended up here.

When I’m not at the coffee shop, I enjoy music the most. My fiancé and I have an American Folk duo band. We plan on playing locally this year, and we’ve written a lot of stuff that we would love to turn into an EP.

My family has always been really musical – my parents taught me how to sing and play instruments from a young age. Music has always been a huge part of my life. If I could meet any musician, dead or alive, it would definitely be Johnny Cash.

Music makes such a huge difference. It’s all emotions and storytelling. A song you write is essentially a story and when someone hears it, it might connect with their story and create an impact.”

-Jonna Lee, Lavish Coffee Bar

Photo + Interview by Blakeney Clouse