78 Magazine

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Soul of 78-Anne Allen

“I retired in June of 2017, and two weeks later, I received a phone call. It was Joette Kelley Brown, asking me to come back to work with her at Ridgeview and Ridgewood Health Services. I knew it was the right thing for me to do, so I said yes.

For 35 years, I worked at Walker Baptist as Director of Pharmacy, then for five more years as an assistant administrator. Here, my official title is Quality Operations, but I also help with administrative duties such as quality improvement, meeting schedules, health action partnership, and quality care meetings.

Each day we have group meetings here at the nursing home. We plan the day, discuss our staffing needs, and address any issues that a resident may have. I go back and forth between Ridgeview and Ridgewood. I assist Ridgewood with quality meetings, infection control, and performance improvement projects.

The best part of this job is the people, of course. The people I work with are wonderful, and I enjoy building relationships with our residents. I like getting up in the mornings, having a structured routine, and being able to give back. I think we’re blessed in this community to have these two fine facilities and the quality of care that’s offered here.”

-Anne Allen, Quality Operations at Ridgeview and Ridgewood Health Services

Photo + Interview by Blakeney Clouse