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Local Toy Drive Brings Christmas Blessing to 170 Families

Words by Al Blanton

Five years ago, County Administrator Robbie Dickerson saw a need for a Christmas toy drive in Walker County. Dickerson soon teamed up with Diedre Tatum, Executive Director of the Walker County Community Action Agency, to bring toys to underprivileged children in the area. Over the last five years, the event has grown to serve 170 families. 

 Toys were distributed to families this year on December 5. Prior to the event, Tatum and her staff purchased and bagged the toys. “We picked out toys for different age groups and genders,” she said. “We worked the night before and a few days before to bag them up.” 

 “The families ended up with a pretty nice Christmas,” she adds. 

 In a typical year, parents of the children simply arrive at the Community Action Agency’s After School Program located on 6th Avenue in downtown Jasper. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, parents remained in their vehicles and drove through to receive their bags. 

 Local businesses, churches, and nonprofits donated to the cause. Tatum says that donations were received from Modern Woodmen of America, the Samuel Lee Smith Fund, Jerry Bishop, Gunter Body Shop, Pinnacle Bank, Jasper Rotary Club, and Friendship Baptist Church, among others. First Christian Church donated food boxes, turkeys and hams. 

 The Community Action Agency began taking applications for the toy drive back in October, and the event serves low-income families. 

 “It’s a great feeling to be able to give out toys for the families to have something on Christmas,” Tatum said. “A lot of them state that they would not have any toys or anything. It means a lot to make someone happy on Christmas morning and to see the smiles on the parents’ faces or the relief you see when they pick up their toys. 

 “It just means the world to me.” 78

Pictured: Deidre Tatum of the Walker County Community Action Agency

Photos by Al Blanton