New Bevill State President Hagood hoping for authentic community college experience


Dr. Joel Hagood officially became the president of Bevill State Community College on December 14, 2020. Hagood had previously served as Superintendent of Walker County Schools, Director of Curriculum at Walker County Schools, and principal at Oakman High School. We recently asked Dr. Hagood a few questions about his educational philosophy and goals as he begins the job as BSCC President.

78: What were your first thoughts when you heard the news that you were going to be the new president at Bevill State Community College? 

JH: I had a flood of emotions: excitement, joy, anxiety, etc. Just as anyone else who was making a career change after 24 years with one organization.

 78: What will be the biggest challenge for you in shifting from K-12 to higher education?

 JH: You know leadership is leadership regardless of the organization. I would say the biggest challenge is the fact you have to generate more of your revenue for operations in higher education. You have to focus on student recruitment, student retention, grant opportunities, foundation/community support, etc. There are more consistent sources of revenue and allocations in the K-12 world annually.

 78: Over the last few years, Bevill State has been improving in the area of job training.  How will you help the college – and the students who attend BSCC – to further connect to the industrial and business world?

 JH: Bevill State should serve as the catalyst for economic growth by providing workforce solutions and quality education opportunities for prospective business and industry and the families who reside in our service area. We certainly need to continue looking for ways to expand partnerships with business and industry through apprenticeships and internships, and by offering short-term training certifications. My goal is to enhance our campuses through collaborative community efforts to provide offerings leading to the necessary degree, credential, or certification attainment for workforce opportunity or seamless academic transfer. Bevill State will be an authentic “community” college experience.

78: Every year college enrollment is a recurring theme, but the COVID-19 pandemic has presented its own set of unique challenges.  What can we expect to see from BSCC to increase enrollment numbers?


JH: Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bevill State went above and beyond with our recruiting campaign for the 2021 Spring Semester. Of course, we did the traditional marketing – radio and television commercials, digital ads, OTT, social media, mailers, email and text blasts, and print ads. To add to this, on-campus registration labs were conducted to assist students in-person with registration. Faculty and staff also did call banks, reaching out to potential students to see if they needed any assistance in the registration process. The College also tried a few new promotions this semester. To encourage enrollment, Bevill State ran two initiatives – the "Welcome Back" Laptop Program and the Community Scholarship— and we are working to expand dual enrollment at high schools within our service area with both academic and career technical opportunities. The late registration date was also extended and late registration fees were waived.

 78: Bevill State brought athletics back to campus just a few years ago.  How will you evaluate whether or not athletic programs need to be continued at the school?

 JH: I served as a coach and athletic director at both the middle school and high school level prior to my administrative career. I know the importance of athletics to the overall student experience, the life of the campus, and with community involvement and engagement. You can be assured I will do everything I can to support and grow the athletic programs at Bevill State Community College. However, we must have community support. I do not think there is any doubt, in anyone’s mind, that facility improvements and upgrades are necessary. We will need the assistance of our community, local foundations, alumni, etc. to make that a reality.

 78: One of the hallmarks of Bevill State Community College is an outstanding faculty.  What can you say about the group of educators that you will be working alongside?

 JH: I have been able to meet faculty from academic transfer, health sciences, and career technical education. I have visited classrooms, labs, CTE departments, student services offices, libraries, and some of the workforce department’s facilities. I was immediately struck as I had an opportunity to speak with instructors and other employees by how much they all care about the students of Bevill State Community College and our students’ success.  

 78:  Now that we have gotten to know a little bit about your educational philosophy, tell us about your interests, hobbies, and family.

 I am a huge sports fan. I spend a lot of time following the University of Alabama athletics and Southeastern Conference athletics in general. I also love to travel with my family.

 I do not have a specific hobby. I play golf occasionally as time allows. Most of my time outside of work is spent with my children going from practice to practice and event to event. My son is involved in three sports (baseball, basketball, and football), while my daughter is also involved in multiple activities (basketball, softball, volleyball, and gymnastics). I often spend time assisting with coaching their youth athletic teams.

 I have been married to the former Jennifer Guthrie for 15 wonderful years.  She is a local pharmacist in the community, and an excellent mother to our two beautiful children: Annleigh (11) and Breck (9) who both attend Lupton Elementary/Middle School. 78


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