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When Passion Becomes Purpose

Abby Housley has made Jasper and Walker County proud as a cheerleader at the

University of Alabama. What she’s doing off the field is what gives her life greater meaning.


Words by JennyLynn Davis | Images by Jason Clark & Blakeney Clouse

The sun sets on a near-perfect Saturday evening in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. There’s a slight chill in the air, the sounds of the tailgates outside have died down, and the noise has moved inside Bryant-Denny Stadium. The fight song plays, and the crowd erupts in cheers. Abby Housley and her fellow University of Alabama cheerleaders run ahead of the Crimson Tide as they take the field, ready to play toward another victory.

Abby has been cheering at the University of Alabama since 2017, but her love for the sport has been lifelong. “My mom was a cheerleader when she was my age, and I would love to look at the pictures and hear her stories when I was little,” says Abby. “I have always aspired to be just like my mom, and cheer was one thing I always wanted to pursue.”

Abby cheered for three years at Maddox Middle School and for another three years at Walker High School. She also participated in competitive cheerleading with ACE cheer company of Jasper and ACE of Birmingham. She considers her experiences at all of these places instrumental in her cheer career.

 “I have always enjoyed being active. I took up cheer after a short stint playing softball because I felt like cheer was a better fit for me,” Abby says. “It was a great decision because I have learned so much. My coaches at Maddox, Walker, and ACE have all helped form me into the person I am and pushed me to be where I am today.”

 Cheering at the University of Alabama has been a dream of Abby’s for quite some time. Having her dream come true has been rewarding in more ways than one. From the hard work she puts in during practices, to leading fans in a big B-A-M-A spell out on gamedays, to the community service opportunities, she has found that her passion is also her purpose. As a University of Alabama cheerleader, Abby has been presented with various opportunities to visit with school-aged children and help make their days brighter, to meet and talk with cancer patients at Druid City Hospital, to perform pep rallies at nursing homes, and many more meaningful experiences.

 “The cheering at football games and competing in Nationals in Orlando is fun, but it’s just so much more than that,” Abby says. “The fact that I am given so many opportunities to make a small difference or brighten someone’s day means the most to me. These experiences alone tell me that I’m where I’m supposed to be, doing what I should!”

 In addition to cheering, Abby is a student at the UA’s Capstone College of Nursing. She has also completed a minor in human development and family studies. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, playing golf, and worshipping the Lord.

 To any younger cheerleaders who want to follow a similar path, she offers this simple advice: “Follow your dreams and don’t give up on them. As Philippians 4:13 says, you can do all things through Christ.” 78