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78 Featured Athletes – Addie Rose Owens and Jake McDonald – Sumiton Christian

The senior class at Sumiton Christian School is chock-full of exceptional student-athletes, including Addie Rose Owens and Jake McDonald. On Friday nights, Jake stars for the Eagles’ football team while Addie Rose captains the SCS cheerleading squad. On a normal school day, you can expect both students to excel in their studies. 

 Here’s a little more about them: 

Addie Rose Owens 

The daughter of Dixie and David Owens, Addie Rose says she wants to further her cheerleading career at Samford University in the fall of 2022. Until then, Addie Rose will be making sure her perfect 4.0 GPA remains intact as well as keeping up with all the school activities with which she is involved. These include: SGA (Vice-President), National Honor Society, Beta Club, and Spanish Club. 

Addie is coached in cheer by her mom, Dixie Owens, who owns ACE of Jasper. 

Jake McDonald

A two-sport athlete for the SCS Eagles, Jake McDonald plays for head football coach David Powell and head baseball coach Lance Blair. On the football team, he helps to anchor both the offensive and defensive line, and on the baseball team, he plays catcher. 

Jake is also a member of the praise and worship team at the school and has a 3.0 in the classroom. 

After graduation in May 2022, he plans to work at Alabama Power. 

Jake is the son of Ben and Lori McDonald. 

Please congratulate these outstanding scholar athletes for being our 78 Featured Athletes from Sumiton Christian School! 78