78 Featured Athletes – Callie Kennedy and Sean Douglas – Oakman High School

Travel to the southern part of Walker County and you’ll find good food, good folks, and good athletic teams. The town of Oakman, population 638, is home to the Wildcats. Two of the rising stars for the Wildcat athletic teams are Callie Kennedy and Sean Douglas. Let’s learn a little more about them: 

 Callie Kennedy

SGA Treasurer, FBLA President, Science Club, Spanish Club, Lucky Thirteen, Beta Club, Peer Helper, and Yearbook are just some of the school activities that Oakman senior Callie Kennedy participates in. Pair that involvement with being a three-sport athlete and posting a 3.8 GPA in the classroom, and you’ve got about as well-rounded a student as you can get. 

Callie plays volleyball for coach Paulette Berger, basketball for coach Derek Roberts, and softball for coach Paten Williams. She is the daughter of Amanda and David Kennedy. 

After graduating in May 2022, Callie plans to go to college to major in elementary education. 

Sean Douglas 

One of the reasons Oakman head football coach Ryan Hall has to smile is his team’s 6-2 record so far this season. Making that possible are athletes like Sean Douglas, who plays receiver on offense and outside linebacker on defense. 

Sean hits the books as well, carrying a 3.3 GPA in the classroom while participating in school activities such as student government and FCCLA. He plans to go to college after graduating in May 2022. Perhaps he’ll study his favorite subject, history. 

Please congratulate Callie and Sean for being our 78 Featured Athletes from Oakman High School! 78 


Investing in Community


78 Photo Essay: Chris Maddox