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78 Featured Athletes – Nicole Ballenger and Jamarcus Goodman – Dora High School

Dora High School has a strong athletic heritage. Furthering that legacy are two current Dora student-athletes, Nicole Ballenger and Jamarcus Goodman

Nicole Ballenger 

A senior this year, Nicole plays outside hitter for the volleyball team and forward for the basketball team. She is coached by Justin Blevins in basketball and Kimber Sanford in volleyball. 

Nicole is an exceptional student, carrying a 4.1 GPA in the classroom, and is also involved in school activities like the Beta Club, SGA, and FBLA. She serves as a peer helper at DHS, is a Junior Ambassador for the Walker County Chamber of Commerce, and she participated in Youth Leadership Walker County. 

After graduating in May 2022, Nicole plans on getting a degree in the medical field. “When I retire, I want to open my own bakery,” she says. 

Nicole is the daughter of Stephanie and Jeremy Ballenger. 

Jamarcus Goodman 

Dora High Principal Paige Abner suggests that Jamarcus Goodman is a man of few words. Perhaps he prefers to do his talking on the athletic fields and courts. 

This junior is a two-sport athlete for the Bulldogs, playing football for head coach Chavis Williams and basketball for head coach Michael Bridges. Jamarcus is a running back on the gridiron and a small forward on the hardwood. 

He says his favorite subject is math and he has plans to go to college after graduating in May 2023. 

Jamarcus is the son of Sonya Montgomery. 

Please congratulate these outstanding student-athletes for being our 78 Magazine Featured Athletes from Dora High School! 78