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78 Featured Athletes – Sidney Smallwood and Hunter Davis – Oakman High School

High school is indeed a short journey. As we turn the corner to the year 2022, two seniors will be heading into their last semester at Oakman High School. They will graduate in May and move on to college, and after that build a family and career. But they will never forget their time at Oakman. 

Meet this week’s 78 Featured Athletes, Sidney Smallwood and Hunter Davis. 

Sidney Smallwood

Oakman cheer captain Sidney Smallwood has big plans. After graduation, she wants to attend a 4-year college and major in nursing. She also suggests she might go to med school, become a pediatrician, and eventually open a clinic in Jasper. 

For now, Sidney will continue to focus on maintaining her 4.11 GPA and juggling the many activities and organizations she participates in, including SGA, Junior Ambassador, Beta Club, FBLA, Youth Leadership, and Yearbook. 

Sidney is coached by Amy Woods and Amber Shelton, and her parents are Marc and Julia Smallwood.

Hunter Davis

Three-sport athlete Hunter Davis says he wants to eventually attend the University of Alabama-Birmingham (UAB) and become a nurse. This winter and spring, however, you’ll find him on the basketball court and baseball diamond, starring for coaches Derek Roberts and Saige Harding. Hunter also played defensive end for coach Ryan Hall this past fall. 

The son of Sonya and Phillip Davis, Hunter says his favorite subject is math and he carries a 3.3 GPA in the classroom. He participates in school activities as well, including Spanish Club and the fishing team. 

Please congratulate these exceptional student-athletes for being our 78 Featured Athletes of the Week! 78