13 Questions with Kennedy Stracner
Photo by Blakeney Clouse
1. What do you like most about living in Walker County?
I enjoy the familiarity of a small town. People here are very encouraging. I know that no matter where I go or what I do in life, I can always come back to this place and be welcomed with open arms.
2. What skill would you like to master?
3. What job would you be terrible at?
Anything involving math.
4. What are you most likely to become famous for?
Being the next Banksy. I am obsessed with graffiti, although I have never done any. (but I wouldn’t tell you if I had…)
5. If you could be cast for any movie role what would it be?
I struggled with this question and asked those around me what they thought. Several people said “superhero” … I guess my people know me better than I know myself!
6. You are on a deserted island and you have to do without either music, Internet, or books. Which one do you choose?
I would do without the internet. I use the internet often, but if I’m already isolated, why not embrace it?
7. If you had to be another living person, who would you be?
For all my Swifties…I really love being myself, but I wouldn’t mind being Taylor for a day. Most people don’t pay enough attention to understand her music and the way she writes, but it’s genius. The amount of easter eggs she includes is insane. The way her brain works blows my mind, and I would love to be in her brain for just a little while.
8. Mountains or beach?
Beach, but not just Gulf Shores. I want to see beaches all over the world.
9. Pancakes or waffles?
Both, I love breakfast food.
10. What is one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Chocolate strawberries or my baby nephew, Drake.
11. What is one song you will never forget the lyrics to?
I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston
12. What fashion trend did you buy into that you wish you hadn’t?
I don’t think I have ever bought into a trend. If I see something I like, then I get it. Sometimes I might buy something and only then will I realize other people are wearing it too. Mainly, I like to create my own style.
`13. If you could speak to your younger self. What do you say?
Look at your problems lightly. This too shall pass.