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4 Ways to Stay Motivated in Your 2021 Fitness Goals with Derailed Performance

It’s the beginning of a new month in a new year and for many of us, setting New Year's resolutions for 2021 seems like a distant memory. For those who chose to make fitness and health related resolutions for this year, your motivation may be dwindling. To help you revive your passion to pursue your 2021 fitness goals, we caught up with Derailed Performance’s Lee Getter, who shared four ways to help us stay motivated!

1.     Be selfish/consistent.


By now, everyone should be used to your new schedule of working out. Be selfish at this point. Don’t let life get in your way of succeeding. Make the time for yourself. It’s better for you and everyone else in the long run. Mentally and physically. 


2.     Set small goals.


Small goals keep you motivated with success. If your end goal is 20lbs of weight loss, set 2lb or 5lb weight loss goals. In the beginning, the weight will probably come off quickly, but once your body is acclimated, the weight will not come off as fast. The smaller goals are still a win in your journey. 


3.     Find your place. 


If you have not found that place to work out it’s time to start looking. Maybe you’ve been doing this alone. Now is a great time to join a group with fitness goals similar to your own. A small group of like-minded people is a powerful force. Leaning on someone with similar struggles will help to motivate both you and them. 


4.     Journal.


Read your journal so you can reflect on the struggles you have already overcome. Knowing where you have come from will help motivate you to keep going and reach your goals. If you don’t have a journal, start one. 


Now is the time to make changes to stay motivated this year and Derailed Performance in Jasper, AL is a great place to start. Derailed is a 24/7 gym offering a variety of packages that include work out classes and gym access. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, Derailed Performance can get you where you want to go. 78


For more information, contact the office at (205) 388-1497 and follow Derailed Performance on Facebook.