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78 Photo Essay: Hannah Dutton, Volleyball Player, Chattanooga State

Words by Nick Norris | Image by Blakeney Clouse


One chapter of Hannah Dutton’s life is ending, while a new one is just beginning. This fall, the former Carbon Hill volleyball star will be entering her freshman year at Chattanooga State to continue her passion for the sport at the next level.

 As exciting as this transition is for Hannah, it can also be somewhat intimidating. To chase her college dreams, she must say goodbye to her home and loved ones. “I’m going to miss my family and my room. I don’t know, I just love my room,” she says. “I’m definitely going to miss my dog, Lucy. I’ll probably miss her the most.”

 Starting over is nothing new for Hannah. In her sophomore year, she transferred to Carbon Hill from Jasper High School and faced the challenges that go along with moving to a new school. Her junior year, she helped lead the volleyball team to the 3A State Championship. As a senior, Hannah took her young team to the Elite Eight in the state playoffs.

 One of her most cherished memories from high school happened this past November, when she received her invitation to join Chattanooga State’s volleyball team.

 “The recruiting process is so stressful,” Hannah explains. “I had been constantly sending out film to colleges, but I wanted to find a school that fit what I was looking for. There aren’t many colleges in Alabama that offer degrees in physical therapy and have volleyball programs, but I found Chattanooga State, which has both, so I reached out. The coach asked me to attend a try-out in November. About three days later, she told me she wanted me to come play for her.”

 When Hannah finally received the email that she had waited so long for, she could barely contain her excitement. “I was in class and nothing was really going on, so I randomly checked my email,” Hannah recalls. “When I saw the coach wanted me to come play for her, I stopped breathing at first. I wanted to scream, but figured I shouldn’t in the middle of class.”

 Now Hannah is preparing for her first semester on campus. And though there are some obstacles on the horizon, she is ready to tackle them head-on. “I’m ready to be on my own,” Hannah says. “Being out of state is going to be different, but I’m more excited than nervous.”

 As Hannah makes the move to Tennessee, she can rest assured that her loved ones back home will be cheering her on in this new chapter of her life. 78