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13 Questions with Allison Hunter

Photo by Justin Hunter

1. What do you like most about living in Walker County?

The familiarity of the community and witnessing it grow. I love having a coffee shop that has my order memorized, but more so just how personable people are here. And I love watching new businesses open and thrive! 

2. What skill would you like to master?

Calligraphy! I’m still learning. I’m somewhat of a perfectionist, so I’m learning to give myself grace and celebrate the progress.

3. What job would you be terrible at?

Any desk job. I’d get so restless! I like being up and moving and interacting with people.

4. What are you most likely to become famous for?

Education reform. I want to teach kids how to learn, not how to pass tests. That is something I’m so passionate about! I really believe our culture needs to shift away from “one size fits all” education towards a more individualized, unique experience. 

5. If you could be cast for any movie role what would it be?

A role in a movie about going to outer space. Something like Interstellar! Futuristic & suspenseful. 

6. You are on a deserted island and you have to do without either music, Internet, or books. Which one do you choose? 

 I could definitely go without Internet. I’m a book person. I really honestly could go without music, too. I don’t mind the silence. A stack of books and I’d be a very happy girl! 

7. If you had to be another living person, who would you be? 

 Probably Joanna Gaines! She seems like a really fun, talented, solid human being.

8. Mountains or beach? 

Beach. I grew up on the Gulf Coast and I miss the beach every single day. 

9. Pancakes or waffles?

 Waffles. They’re specifically designed with butter and syrup in mind!

10. What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? 

 Any (good/positive) surprise. Anything that says “I was thinking about you”, whether it’s a coffee, a new plant, or even just a handwritten note.

11.  What is one song you will never forget the lyrics to?

 I really wish I had a cool answer to this question, but I really don’t. I’m pretty good at recalling lyrics once a song gets going. I’m just generally not into music. I enjoy listening to music! But I’m just not a music fanatic. 

12.  What fashion trend did you buy into that you wish you hadn’t?

 Spaghetti strap tank-top over a t-shirt. I blame American Eagle for this trend.

13.  If you could speak to your younger self. What do you say?

 SLOW DOWN! Enjoy each moment. And listen to your dad! Especially as a teenager, I neglected the value of having a wise father.