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Jasper Vikings and Red Cross team up for successful blood drive

Photos and Words by Erin Shockey

JASPER, Ala. – On February 5, the Jasper Viking football team partnered with the American Red Cross for a blood drive fundraiser at Carl Cannon Gymnasium at Jasper High School. This fundraiser gave citizens of Walker County the opportunity to donate blood and fundraise for the JHS football team. 

Weeks before the event, the Vikings set a hospital commitment goal of 50 pints of blood to be donated at the fundraiser, with the JHS football booster club receiving $10 for every pint of blood donated. According to Stephanie Holcomb, ARC Donor Recruitment Representative, all blood that was donated during the event will either save or improve someone's life in Alabama. 


“Everything ran very smoothly today, and we have had a great flow of donors throughout the day,” said Holcomb. “We have had a lot of walk-ins come through, which has kept us on track to meet our hospital commitment.”

American Red Cross of Alabama has promised to collect a total of 1908 pints of blood during the month of February for hospitals across the state. After Friday’s event, the JHS football team is proud to be able to contribute 54 pints of blood to that total, exceeding its initial goal. 


“Fundraising for our team is a secondary initiative as far as today goes,” says JHS Head Football Coach Philip Bailey. “Our primary focus is helping our community and giving back through giving blood. There is such a need for blood right now in our hospitals, especially because of COVID-19.”

The JHS football team wished to thank everyone who donated or demonstrated support of this event. Walker County’s responsiveness to this event will lead to a brighter future for donation recipients as well as the JHS football program. 78