13 Questions with Zach Taylor

Photo by Cole Hyche

Photo by Cole Hyche

1. What do you like most about living in Walker County? 

I love the scenery and view of the night sky. Living just outside of Washington D.C. for 18 years, I wasn’t able to see countryside views like we have in Walker County.

2. What skill would you like to master?

Face-to-face communication. I love talking to people, hearing their stories, and finding out what they are passionate about. I feel like it's a skill a lot of people in today's age neglect with the rise of technology. 

3. What job would you be terrible at?

Being someone's secretary. I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own schedule and the things that I have to do.

4. What are you most likely to become famous for?

Loving others as much as I love myself.

5. If you could be cast for any movie role what would it be?

That would definitely have to be Al Pacino as Michael in “The Godfather''. I always watched old mafia movies with my dad growing up, so they hold a special place for me.

Photo by Cole Hyche

Photo by Cole Hyche

6. You are on a deserted island and you have to do without either music, internet, or books. Which one do you choose? 

I could leave behind books in a heartbeat. I would like to read more than I do, but I never seem to get around to it. I find power in song lyrics so music is a must in my life and I always enjoy reading news articles online about what's going on in the world.

7. If you had to be another living person, who would you be? 

Probably the musician Macklemore mainly because I LOVE his sense of style and I know the things he has in his closet are crazy. 

8. Mountains or beach? 

Mountains - I love the cold and can’t stand the heat! Also, I hate the feeling of sand being all over me.

9. Pancakes or waffles?

This actually may be the hardest question. I love all breakfast foods, but I feel like a waffle with a nice crunch on the outside is hard to beat. Sometimes pancakes can get soggy if you don't eat them right away — so I guess I’m choosing waffles.

10. What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? 

Coming home to the farm I live on now and seeing my two labs, Doug and Tanner. They are full of joy and don’t know anything else other than loving you and being genuinely happy.

11. What is one song you will never forget the lyrics to?

“The Chain” by Fleetwood Mac. They were the first concert I went to when I was about 3 or so, and there is definitely a soul tie from that. They are some of the few artists that I listen to every single day.

12. What fashion trend did you buy into that you wish you hadn’t?

The extreme skinny jeans of the late 2000’s. I look back at pictures now and want to slap myself in the face for looking like that.

13. If you could speak to your younger self. What do you say?

Be a risk-taker. Don’t be afraid to fail and fall flat on your face from it! Never leave an ounce of doubt in your head of what could have been. Also, never be complacent where you are, because if you do, you'll get trapped in a cycle of the mundane life. Life has so much more to offer than what’s inside of your little world. Don’t let anyone box you in or put a label on you; march to the beat of your own drum. Always be yourself, because there is only one Zachary Elrod Taylor.

Photo by Cole Hyche

Photo by Cole Hyche


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