78 Photo Essay: Austin Morgan, Trumpeter, U.S. Army Band


Words by Nick Norris | Image by Blakeney Clouse  

 A few adjectives may come to mind when thinking of the U.S. Army: valiant, proud, perhaps even loud. And these descriptors also ring true for Austin Morgan.

 As the only boy and the oldest of five siblings, Austin always had someone looking up to him. But he was looking up to someone as well. 

 “As a kid, my grandfather introduced me to a lot of instrumental music, mostly jazz,” Austin reminisces. “He would show me these amazing artists like Frank Sinatra and Louis Prima and all these famous bands. And in every song, the front man was always the trumpeter, getting to play all the important stuff and adding emotion to the music. It’s a loud instrument, and that’s what initially intrigued me.”

 In the seventh grade, Austin and his sister joined the Maddox Middle School band, and he was hooked for life. Over the years, the trumpeter continued to perfect his craft, moving from the middle school band to Walker High’s incarnation, an experience that molded him greatly as both an artist and a man. 

“Two important mentors of mine were Curtis Burttram, the music director, and assistant director Jonathan DeLoach,” Austin explains. “They were both huge believers in my abilities as a musician, and would spend countless hours helping me hone my skills. It’s because of them that I went to the University of North Alabama for music.”

 Playing for UNA’s Marching Pride of North Alabama was another significant chapter in Austin’s life, as his high school dream of reaching the next level was finally realized. Following his college years, Austin had difficulty figuring out how to incorporate his now life-long passion into his adult life.  

 While in search of ways to continue his passion while also holding down steady work, Austin and his wife, Virginia, decided the U.S. Army Band would be the best option for their family. 

 Austin spent six months practicing as hard as he ever had, doing all he could to ensure a spot in the Army Band. On November 15, 2019, the work paid off, as he was officially inducted into the 101st Airborne Division Band at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. 

 Making the band is a feat few artists have the determination or skill to accomplish. Now Austin once again gets to spend his days doing what he loves: valiantly serving his country and his family by playing his trumpet proudly and loudly. 78 



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