13 Questions With Allie Whitaker


1.What do you like most about living in Walker County? 

I enjoy living in Walker County because of the strong community that we have. It’s big enough to not know everybody, but small enough to know who to call in different situations. Also, Smith Lake is one of my top 5 favorite places.

2. What skill would you like to master?

It would be nice to master the skill of completing my to-do lists that I create each day. I usually write it down to feel better and lose the list completely.

3. What job would you be terrible at?

Anything medical! I am so thankful that there are people called to do that because I can hardly handle looking at a bloody nose.

4. What are you most likely to become famous for?

Probably interior design. When I have more time and energy, I want to get into it and make some kind of career out of it — that’s the goal and dream. Also, I would like to be known as a mental health advocate with a platform that increases awareness and destroys the stigma around mental health disorders. I would also like to write a book with my personal experiences with this topic. 

5. If you could be cast for any movie role what would it be?

13 Going on 30 is my favorite movie. I love Jenna Rink and her goofiness reminds me of my own. 

6. You are on a deserted island and you have to do without either music, Internet, or books. Which one do you choose? 

Internet, I think it would be super nice to get away from social media and enjoy what’s present around me and not someone else’s highlights.

7. If you had to be another living person, who would you be?

Princess Diana but since she is deceased I would choose Meghan Markle. I love the way they stood up for what was right for their family and their mental health. Choosing to do the right thing is not the easiest choice but I admire their decisions of choosing a life worth living rather than a crown.

8. Mountains or beach? 


9. Pancakes or waffles?


10. What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? 

Going shopping and finding a good deal. My favorite is to spend little money and buy many things.

11. What is one song you will never forget the lyrics to?

I'm Just a Kid. Cheaper by the Dozen was very popular growing up and I guess I thought I had it pretty tough when I was a kid, haha.

12. What fashion trend did you buy into that you wish you hadn’t?

Low rise jeans and comb over parts — yikes! 

13. If you could speak to your younger self. What would you say?

You may not like what is coming your way at times, but it all has meaning and purpose. Life is so tough but it’s your choice to see the good and make the most out of obstacles. Life is a rollercoaster and you just have to go with it. Although I am talking to my younger self, I feel like this relates to life now and for the future.


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