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New Method Allows Tag Renewal Notices To Be Sent Via E-mail

Walker County Probate Judge A. Lee Tucker recently announced a new initiative for vehicle tag renewal notices. Customers will now be able to receive their renewal notices via e-mail.

“Since taking office, we have studied our process for sending out tag renewal notices and decided a change was needed,” said Tucker. “With this new vendor, we have the ability to offer our customers an “Opt-In” paperless way to be reminded to renew tags.”

Tucker said that the renewal reminder is simply a courtesy notice, as many prefer to be reminded when their tags are up for renewal. He also believes this new method will help with efficiency and cost.

“We have documented that a lot of our customers move during the year and don’t remember to remind us, so we get a lot of returned mail as a result,” Tucker added.

The office’s goal is to reduce this number, increase the number of notices that are actually received, and cut the cost to the county in the process.

To Opt-In for this new service, please visit the Walker County Probate and Licensing Office websitewww.walkercountyprobate.com, and click on “Opt-In.”

Photo: Al Blanton