13 Questions with Clay Boylen
Photo by Erin Shockey
1.What do you like most about living in Walker County?
The small-town atmosphere, for sure! My daily commute to work is under two miles, and I feel like I live in the middle of everywhere.
2. What skill would you like to master?
Public speaking. The ability to command a room is powerful.
3. What job would you be terrible at?
I would probably be the worst accountant in the world. I don’t think there is a word in the English language that can adequately describe how much I hate math.
4. What are you most likely to become famous for?
Something embarrassing. I could definitely see someone making a meme out of something stupid I’ve done.
5. If you could be cast for any movie role what would it be?
Literally any Will Ferrell movie.
6. You are on a deserted island and you have to do without either music, Internet, or books. Which one do you choose?
Probably music. I feel like listening to music on an island by yourself would just be depressing. I’d definitely have to have the Internet.
7. If you had to be another living person, who would you be?
Any general manager for a professional sports franchise. I’m obsessed with sports, and I would love to be in charge of a team. That’s my ultimate dream job!
8. Mountains or beach?
Mountains. I love colder weather. I won’t turn down a beach trip though!
9. Pancakes or waffles?
Waffles. Period.
10. What is one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Getting to tell a disability client that their claim was approved. Just hearing the emotion in their voice and hearing how thankful they are is the best part of my job. I get to help make a massive difference in someone’s life, and there is no better feeling.
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11. What is one song you will never forget the lyrics to?
Country Roads. My family is from West Virginia, and I think I’d be disowned if I forgot the lyrics. I’m convinced it’s in my DNA to remember every word.
12. What fashion trend did you buy into that you wish you hadn’t?
I am probably one of the least fashion-trendy people you’ll ever meet, so I honestly have no idea.
13. If you could speak to your younger self, what would you say?
Just be patient. Everything you go through will be 100% worth it in the end.