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78 Featured Athletes – BG Braswell and Eli Moon – Sumiton Christian

The 78 Featured Athletes campaign continues this week at Sumiton Christian School, where we find two excellent scholar athletes in BG Braswell and Eli Moon. Both BG and Eli are seniors at SCS, set to graduate in May 2022. Here’s a little more about them: 

BG Braswell 

Leadership is a quality of basketball point guards and softball shortstops, and if it says anything about her leadership skills, the Eagles’ BG Braswell is both. On the softball fields, BG stars at shortstop for coach Jessica Aderholt, and on the basketball court, she plays point guard for coach Andy Rice. 

BG is a bright student as well, carrying a 3.7 G.P.A. in the classroom. She participates in school activities such as the Beta Club and says her favorite subject is anatomy. After graduation she plans to go to college to further her academics. 

BG is the daughter of Jennifer and James Blanton. 

Eli Moon 

One of the top student-athletes in Walker County, Eli plays football and basketball for the Sumiton Christian Eagles and has a 4.1 G.P.A. in the classroom. He is involved in National Honor Society and says his favorite subject is history. 

On the football field, Eli plays tailback and linebacker for coach David Powell. On the basketball court, he plays forward for coach Matt Yarbrough. 

The son of Andrea Drummond and Jeremy Moon, Eli says he wants to go into the medical field after he graduates next spring. 

 Please congratulate BG and Eli for being out 78 Featured Athletes for the week of August 23! 78