78 Magazine

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78 Photo Essay: Caroline Ivey

Founder and Owner, MenuAffair

Words by Erin Shockey | Image by Al Blanton


In 2018, Caroline Ivey woke up one morning with debilitating pain from head to toe. The pain and discomfort were relentless. To Caroline, who had lived an overall active and healthy lifestyle for many years, it just didn't make sense. Her symptoms precipitated numerous doctors’ visits until a diagnosis was finally given: Sjögren's Syndrome, a systemic autoimmune disorder in which the immune system reacts against its own tissue. 

Prior to her diagnosis, Caroline spent many hours a week meal prepping, grocery shopping, and preparing a weekly menu for her four children: Elizabeth, Mary Frances, Thomas, and Sarah Margaret Ward. At the time, these family meals seemed well-rounded and healthy, but her diagnosis convinced her there was room for improvement.

“I immediately began to remove certain types of food from my diet, like processed foods and sugar, and began to incorporate more anti-inflammatory, whole foods,” says Caroline. “Within a few weeks’ time, it was like a miracle had happened in my body.”

Experiencing the power of holistic eating in her own life sparked Caroline’s passion to give others the tools to take control of their health. The largest obstacle for families that she had observed over the years was meal planning, which came naturally to Caroline. 

“Many people do not enjoy it or feel they do not have the time, which can make preparing healthy meals a challenge,” she says.

But Caroline was ready to take on this challenge. After 20 years of pouring her heart and soul into raising her family, Caroline, with the full support of her children, launched MenuAffair, a subscription-based meal-planning service that provides subscribers with lunch and dinner menus on Monday through Friday.

Every recipe is carefully crafted with adjustable serving sizes to appeal to a variety of palates while using healthy and budget-friendly ingredients. Every Wednesday, subscribers receive an email with menus, recipes, and a grocery list.

Since the business’s launch, Caroline achieved her Nutritious Life Certification and is a brand representative for an athleisure company. In the future, she hopes to expand MenuAffair to include physical activity and nutritional education through coaching.

“MenuAffair is just the beginning of a bigger vision I have to help people live their happiest and healthiest lives.” says Caroline. 78 

For more information on this service, visit menuaffair.com.