Jasper Area Family Services Center Awarded Grant For Head Start Funds

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On July 30, 2021, the Jasper Area Family Services Center (JAFSC) received a grant of $1,910,189 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families. This grant is purposed for needs related to Head Start Programs in Walker County.

Head Start is a federally funded program that delivers comprehensive early learning, health, nutrition, and family support services to children. There are more than 1,700 local Head Start programs operating across America, in every state and Congressional district in the country. The grant awarded to JAFSC will assist in the creation of Head Start classrooms across the county.

Announcements related to classroom sites will be made in the future as facilities become fully certified and ready to accommodate students.

“We are thrilled to receive this grant that will allow us to provide children with the opportunity to excel as they begin their formal education, and we’re grateful for the support from our community,” says Donna Kilgore, Executive Director of JAFSC.

About Jasper Area Family Services Center

JAFSC provides a community-based facility for families to access services that empower them to develop skills and resources they need to prepare their children for success in a competitive society. Residents are becoming better parents, securing meaningful employment, and building a better life with the diverse assistance available at JAFSC.

Photo by Ryan McGill 


78 Photo Essay: Leslie Burrough


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