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78 Featured Athletes – Kensley Barron and Zack Lawhorn – Carbon Hill High School

Our next stop is Bulldog Country, where we meet student-athletes Kensley Barron and Zack Lawhorn from Carbon Hill High School. Both of these two-sport athletes perform well in the classroom, are involved in school activities, and have big upcoming plans. 

Let’s meet them: 

Kensley Barron 

Senior Kensley Barron plays varsity basketball for head coach Wade Tittle and varsity volleyball for head coach Ross Watters. She plays shooting guard on the basketball team and is a defensive specialist (DS) on the volleyball team. 

The daughter of Kristen Edwards and Jeremy Barron, Kensley has a 4.16 G.P.A. in the classroom and participates in numerous student activities, including: FBLA, Beta Club, National Honor Society, Key Club, Peer Helpers, FFA, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She says her favorite subject is English. 

After graduation in May, she plans to attend the University of South Alabama to become an RN. 


Zack Lawhorn

“I plan to play basketball on the college level,” says Zack Lawhorn when asked about his future plans after graduation in May. This semester, the senior is playing power forward for head basketball coach Garrett Kirkland. Back in the fall, he starred as wide receiver for head football coach Mark Cochran. 

Zack says his favorite subject is English and he has an overall 3.5 G.P.A. in the classroom. Activities-wise, he participates in FBLA, Peer Helpers, and National Honor Society. 

He is the son of Christy Parr. 

Please congratulate these exceptional scholar-athletes for being our 78 Featured Athletes! 78