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78 Featured Athletes – Alayna Key and Will Haynes – Curry High School

If you travel up Highway 257 to Curry, you’ll find people of strong faith, of family, and of community. Sports and academics are also important, and today we highlight two individuals who excel in both. Alayna Key and Will Haynes are both seniors at Curry High School who will receive their diplomas in May of this year. Let’s meet them: 

Alayna Key 

There’s little Alayna Key can’t do in athletics. A three-sport athlete, Alayna plays volleyball, basketball, and softball for the Yellowjackets. She is coached by Saige Beaty in volleyball, BJ Baker in basketball, and Dave Lawson in softball. 

Alayna carries a 3.7 GPA in the classroom and participates in school activities such as Beta Club and SGA and is a member National Honor Society. 

Her plans are to play softball at Shelton State and obtain a business degree. 

Alayna is the daughter of Christi and Kevin Key.

Will Haynes 

After graduating from Curry this year, Will Haynes plans on attending Blue Mountain College in Blue Mountain, Mississippi, on a fishing scholarship. He is coached on the Curry fishing team by Jeff Clark and Tracy Black. 

Will says his favorite subject is history and has a 3.4 overall GPA. He participates in school activities such as the Beta Club, SGA, and FFA. 

He also plays catcher and shortstop for the Yellowjacket baseball team. 

Will is the son of Christie Butler. 

Let’s congratulate Alayna and Will for being our 78 Featured Athletes for this week! 78