Kyle McSwain, Supervisor, Northwest Exterminating

Images by Blakeney Clouse

Q & A

78: Is spraying the outside of my house enough?

KM: While spraying the home is very effective and can prevent unwanted insects from entering your home, there are several other steps a homeowner can take to work alongside the pest professional in taking care of their home. There are numerous points of entry in an average house, such as openings around windows and doors, cracks in foundation walls, crawl spaces, and openings around dryer vents. It’s a good idea to check your home for these access points and seal them up. Another practice to keep bugs from entering your home is to trim bushes and other plants that come in connect with walls or windows. These can act as a type of highway for insects to invade your home. This allows insects to enter the home without crossing the chemical barrier the pest professional has applied.  

78: What do I need to do to prevent termites?

KM: There are many ways homeowners can help prevent termites in their homes. Start with reducing all soil-to-wood contact around your house. Remove all lumber, wood, plants, mulch, paper, cardboard, etc., from around the foundation. Create a barrier between mulch and your home. If possible, only the concrete foundation should touch the soil, with siding starting at few inches above the soil. Keep plants a few feet away from your home for the best termite prevention. Make sure your down spouts drain away from the foundations of your home. Repair leaky faucets and eliminate all sources of excess moisture, as this creates conducive conditions for termite thrive in. Once these steps have been taken it’s best to contact a professional to assess your property. They will be able to assure there are no pre-existing termite issues and set up a termite warranty so that your property is inspected on an annual basis. After all, your home is your largest investment. Why not protect it to the highest degree? 

78: What are some bugs we need to be aware of in the summer months?

KM: Summer is typically when we spend more of our time outdoors enjoying family time, and it’s also the point in many pests’ life cycles when they are maturing. We don’t want them ruining our summer fun. Here are some common summer pests to look out for:’

  •     Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are the most common summer pest. The warmer temperatures allow mosquitoes to move through their life cycle faster which means they lay more eggs in the summer months. The summer rains also provide the ideal setting for mosquitoes to breed.

  • ·  Stinging Insects: Stinging insects reach their highest populations in the summer. They will often build their nests in any openings in your house, under overhangs or in the ground near your foundation.

  • ·   Ants: Ants continue to be a nuisance in the summer. As the rains continue through the season, ants will continue to seek shelter in higher ground. They will also continue to forage into our homes in search of food.

  • ·  Flies: Flies are most active in the summer months. This is also their peak breeding season. Flies will spawn in animal waste, garbage, and rotting foods.

  • · Termites: Termites are most productive in the summer. This is the season when they continue to consume wood while the queen continues to lay eggs and build their colonies.

Target Pest Control joined the Northwest Exterminating family to continue to serve our greater Alabama community with the care, service, and experience they deserve.

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