78 Featured Student Athletes— Savannah Brown and Dray Willingham

This week we return to Wildcat Country to salute two more outstanding student athletes, Savannah Brown and Dray Willingham of Oakman High School. Let’s meet them!

Savannah Brown

Oakman High junior Savannah Brown is an outside hitter on the volleyball team under Coach Paulette Berger and plays centerfield for softball coach Patch Williams. Savannah has a 4.0 GPA, and her favorite subject is math. 

She stays busy serving as the junior class president, as well as SGA President and Beta Club president. She’s active in the Lucky 13 Club, EHK Service Club, Walker County Youth Leadership, and is on the yearbook staff. 

When Savannah graduates in May 2023, she plans to go to nursing school at UAB and become a nurse practitioner. 

Her parents are Jeremy and Monica Brown. 

Dray Willingham

Dray Willingham is also a junior at Oakman. Dray plays combo guard under basketball coach Derek Roberts, plays golf under coach Ben Panter, and runs cross country, also under coach Roberts. He’s active in Beta Club and SGA, has a 3.8 GPA, and his favorite subject is English. 

When Dray graduates next year, he wants to play college basketball and possibly become a high school teacher. Dray is the son of Dennis and Jennifer Willingham. 

Let’s give Savannah and Dray a big congratulations for being our 78 Magazine Featured Athletes of the Week! 78


Soul of 78: Amber Hayes


78 Featured Teacher: Daniel Evans, Meek High School