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Bowen, FCA to host Area-Wide Home Run Derby

Words by Al Blanton | Image by Blakeney Clouse

On Tuesday, May 24 at 6 p.m., the local chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will host a Home Run Derby at Valley Park in Jasper. Thirteen participants from area high schools will compete to determine the best prep slugger of 2022. 

Ricky Bowen, a former MLB pitcher and current FCA Walker Area Director, says that the purpose of the event is to showcase athletes and provide a venue to present the Gospel. Bowen was inspired years ago to host a home run derby through a suggestion by his father, Rick Bowen. After the younger Bowen was hired by the FCA last September, the time was right. “That’s always been in the back of my head, and now with FCA, one of our main goals is to reach the coach and the student athlete where they are and engage them in different things they would be interested in. So, this is right up that alley.” 

Gates will open at 5 p.m. the day of the event, and festivities will begin at 6 o'clock with a message by guest speaker Raymond Crawford. 

The first round will have a 3-minute time limit for each participant. A final championship round will feature the top 3 hitters competing in 5-minute segments each. 

Participants’ exit velocity and launch angle will be able to be measured. 

Bowen also hopes some of the local youth will come see some of the best baseball players in the area and help shag balls in the outfield. 

Valley Park is located off Viking Drive in Jasper. Admission for the event is $3 per person. 78 
