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Q&A with Rusty Richardson of Bernard’s Store for Men in Jasper

We recently posed a few questions about men’s fashion to the man himself, Rusty Richardson, proprietor at Bernard’s Store for Men, located on the square in downtown Jasper.

Interview by Al Blanton | Images by Ryan McGill

78: Brands are certainly important in men’s fashion. What can we expect from your existing brands and will Bernard’s carry any new brands in 2022?

RR: They certainly are!  We will continue to provide the greatest new styles from customers’ favorite names like Ralph Lauren, Patagonia, Southern Marsh, Old Row, Southern Point, and HSM, but as our customer’s brand awareness continues to evolve, Bernard’s must evolve with those styles. Barbour is a brand we are excited about romancing in 2022.

78: Let’s talk dressy fashion for a moment. How has a more relaxed work environment affected the men’s suit industry? It seems like the sport coat has taken over as the more preferred outfit these days. Is that true?

RR: Not necessarily. While the work environment has become more casual in recent years, people still desire to dress up outside the office.  Suits are still strong item at Bernard’s and will always have a place in society.

78: What are the rules on pairing a sport coat with a pocket square?

 RR: Today’s fashion states that there are no hard and fast rules for pairing a pocket square with a coat. However, its important to always keep it tasteful. Avoid clashing bold and busy patterns or colors.

78: Is it a fashion no-no to wear bright colors in the the dead of winter or a matter of personal choice?

RR: It’s a matter of personal choice.  Due to the climate in the Southeast, conventional rules of fashion are much more lenient that they are elsewhere. When wearing bright colors in winter, keep the colors appropriate for the season: bright red, icy blues, strong golds, etc.

78: It seems like more and more men are wearing Oxford sneakers with suits and dress pants. Is this a trend or is it here to stay?

RR: It’s a trend.

78: Walker County and Jasper certainly aren’t as fashion-conscious as, say, New York or Atlanta, but Bernard’s just keeps chugging along as the pioneer in men’s fashion in this area. In your opinion, what are the benefits of caring about your personal appearance and why should we care what we put on when we get dressed in the morning?

RR: Caring about one’s personal appearance has two sides. It appeals to others and gives off a sense of professionalism, but more importantly, caring about personal appearance gives off a sense of self-pride and confidence. When you look good you feel good. Some may say we are not as fashion conscious, but Walker County and Jasper knows style. We at Bernard’s strive to offer classic, quality items that stand the test of time. We continue to chug along, thanks to our great customers recognition of this and their desire to represent their style. 78