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Why I Love Real Estate

Words by Hunter Poe | Images by Ryan McGill

Why do I love real estate?

A little backstory…

After graduating High School, I went straight into college. I started on the nursing track and was so close to applying to the nursing program when I had a “young adult crisis,” as I like to call it. I came to realize that nursing wasn’t what I wanted to do, and I wanted something more adventurous and spontaneous.

I started to dig into what being a real estate agent was all about and had that lightbulb moment of “this is it!” I started my real estate course, and soon after met James Ann Martin, broker at All Four Real Estate, who immediately took me under her wing. She’d call me and say, “Wanna go show a house with me?” and I’d say, “Heck yeah, let’s go!” She showed me the ropes and we had a blast showing all over Walker and Jefferson county! And that’s how I got started in this new adventure.

But back to the question. Why do I love real estate? I love people. That sounds so simple but it’s the truth. That’s the number one reason I love real estate. I always knew I wanted a career where I could help people in some way. Now, I get to see beautiful homes and help people all over the state find their happy place.

Over the past couple of years of this new career, I have met so many amazing people and built so many relationships that will last a lifetime. Thank you to all of my past and future clients for trusting me and letting me help you along your buying/selling processes. If you need someone to take some of the stress of buying/selling off of you, I’d love the opportunity to help you in the future. 78