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“Just Serve Me” 

For years, Scott Goodwin struggled to find purpose in life. But when he stopped talking and started listening, a gutter business was born.  

Words by Nick Norris | Images by Blakeney Clouse 

Driving down Curry Highway, Scott Goodwin was frustrated. Growing up, he had such grandiose plans, the desire to make a paradigm shift in the world, but now he was jobless. Recently laid off at a roofing company in Birmingham, Scott was alone in the car, begging God to tell him what he was supposed to be doing with his life. 

 “I was so frustrated,” Scott says. “I was going to church, orchestrating a sober recovery small group, doing everything I thought I was supposed to do. Still, I couldn’t figure out what His plan was for me.” 

 After graduating from Curry High School, Scott got his start at Evenflo, a production manufacturing facility in Jasper. A hard worker, Scott began working on the lines but was eventually promoted to supervisor and then production manager. 

 But this career path was not meant to be, as the facility closed down in the 1990s.

 His next job came at Cochrane Roofing & Metal Co. in Birmingham, where he again proved to be a valuable asset. Rather quickly, he was promoted to multiple managerial positions. 

 But this career did not last either. Tough times led to layoffs, and Scott was once again uncertain of his future.

 So as he was driving down the road, wrestling with his life’s purpose, God spoke to him. 

 “When I finally stopped fussing and started listening, a still, calm voice said, ‘Just serve me,’” Scott recalls. “I finally understood what God wanted from me.”

 Scott soon discovered an untapped opportunity after speaking with his boss at Cochrane Roofing. There was a need for higher-end gutter supply items in the area that was not being met, and he knew he had to act. In 2001, Scott founded Goodwin Metals with his brother-in-law. Ever since, he has serviced the Southeast by providing quality gutter products and building materials to hundreds of contractors.

 “It’s been a blessing getting to work with family,” Scott says. “My brother-in-law and I have made solid partners. It’s not always easy for some people to work with family, but we have made a great team.”

 Starting a business is one thing; maintaining it through the years requires dedication and long hours and Scott’s impressive work ethic has helped make his dream into reality. “Everything I do, I want to do it for the glory of God,” Scott says. “If I’m sweeping floors, I want to do the best I can do. When our customers come in, I try to treat them as if they are family, because that’s the way Jesus lived. Don’t get me wrong; I worry about money sometimes. But that’s not my driving force. It’s all about doing a good job and being a good servant.”

 Though a hard day’s work brings Scott a feeling of accomplishment, his family makes him even prouder. “I couldn’t be more thankful for the family the Lord has blessed me with,” Scott says. “The most amazing feeling in the world was the first time I held my newborn son in my arms. I felt this overwhelming power and realized this is a life God has given me to take care of. This is a child I’m supposed to provide for, to keep safe, to raise and nurture. It changed my life forever.”

 Now Scott’s family has grown even more. When he isn’t working, you’ll likely find him spending time with his 13-year-old granddaughter, with whom he shares a strong relationship, and his wife, Vicki. 

 Scott’s story proves that regardless of the circumstances, faith can pull us through. “Looking back, I can see how God prepared me for every step of my journey,” he says. “I don't care what kind of storm we go through, we'll be able to navigate it. Just think about how Peter was able to walk on water as long as his focus was on Jesus. He didn't stumble. But when he looked around, he started worrying about his circumstances. Then, he started sinking. We just have to stay focused. The most important thing we can do is to learn to be a good disciple. Everything else will fall in place.”

 Scott Goodwin has three loves in his life: God, family, and work. Faith and family have always been definitive in Scott’s life. A sure career path came later, after many dialogues with God.

 “The other day, my son told me, ‘Life is just a long conversation with the Lord,’” Scott says. “We just have to be quiet and still enough to listen.” 78