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My Afternoon with the Walker High School Track Team

After school these days, the Walker High School track is buzzing with activity. With the advent of spring around the corner, that can only mean one thing: track season.I'm not sure what I was expecting when I walked onto the track for the first time since I graduated nearly thirteen years ago—perhaps a few kids running laps—but nothing prepared me for the fifty or so athletes literally swarming the track in preparation for their upcoming meet.Coach Patrick DarwinDivided into runners, jumpers, and throwers, the WHS track team is coached by Patrick Darwin, Jonathan Jones, and Linda Runyan. Runyan, who works with the distance runners, said that this season will be a building season. "This year, our athletes will be competing in 5A competition, but next year will be different as they will be competing as a 6A school. With that classification comes schools such as John Carroll and Pelham."But, promised Runyan, the kids will not shirk the challenge. "They held their own in competitions last year against some schools where the runners are much bigger than than ours.""But don't they complain about having to go to school all day, only to come outside and work out intensely for an hour?" I asked."Absolutely not," Runyan emphasized. "Our kids embrace the workouts, and they're good about telling me when I need to step up the intensity. They love to get out here and do this, and it shows during each practice." As we spoke, Runyan pointed out two runners who qualified for state competition last year: Caitlyn Muncher in the one-mile run and Thomas Mobley in the two-mile run.Next I spoke with Jonathan Jones, who coaches the sprinters. The first thing I noticed was the rapport he has with his students. "I want to see all of you do ten standing princesses on each leg!" Jones called out. "Get those trunk twists in! Really stretch those muscles out!" The students complied sans complaint with his rigorous demands, which consisted of running brisk laps around the track, then contorting their bodies into various twists that could give Cirque du Soleil some ideas. Jones, who has only been with the school for a year, said he is blessed to be working at Walker. "It's by far the largest high school I've ever coached at. The kids here are great. I love it."Lastly, I talked with head coach Patrick Darwin and his group of throwers. Darwin knows how to make a seemingly mundane exercise of throwing heavy balls, lengthy javelins, and cumbersome discuses into a fun and friendly exercise. I watched as high-fives were doled out and listened as good-natured ribbing commenced between the girls and the boys. Each athlete stepped up to the marked circle and threw his or her weapon of choice, and I was amazed at the elegance and distance that each thrower was able to accomplish.I pointed out how impressed I was with the throwers, particularly sophomore Keila Lawrence. "With the weather these past few weeks, we've really only had two weeks to prepare for our meet in Winfield this Saturday," Darwin mentioned."So this means that the best is yet to come?" I inquired."Definitely," Darwin emphasized. "It's still early in the season."Despite being early in the season, the Walker High School Track Team needs your help. On March 8th, they will be hosting the Chatter Teeth 5K and 1 Mile Fun Walk. Proceeds from this event will help the team cover the cost of attending the state meet later this year. "It's expensive to plan a trip to the state meet in Gulf Shores," Darwin said. "We have to cover transportation plus room and board, and it can be expensive. The purpose of this event is to raise enough money so that each kid who qualifies will be able to attend."Registration for the Chatter Teeth 5K and 1 Mile Fun Walk begins at 7am, and the run commences at 8am. The entry fee is $15, and the first fifty participants who register will receive free toboggans.Pre-registration can be done at the Walker High School main office during school hours.So strap on your running shoes and head out to Gamble Park this Saturday! If you need any convincing as to how hard these kids work, just drop by the Walker High School track at 3:30 on school days. Believe me, it was a workout just watching them. 78