Senator Greg Reed Elected by Colleagues to Serve as President Pro Tem of Alabama Senate

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Says to be the president of this body is a great honor, and I will take it seriously and carry out its duties to the best of my ability


“I believe we're all here for the same reason: that is to move things forward for our state in a positive way. I'm going to continue to work with each of you to make sure we do just that.” – Senator Greg Reed 


Montgomery, February 2, 2021 – The Alabama State Senate today selected Senator Greg Reed (R-Jasper) to serve as its new President Pro Tem. After Reed’s swearing in, he addressed his Senate colleagues, stating that he wants to support members and their goals; focus on communicating with members and with the people of Alabama; and work to make the lives of Alabamians better tomorrow than today.


“To be the president of this body is a great honor, and I will take it seriously and carry out its duties to the best of my ability,” Reed said. “I'm looking to work with you as closely as I possibly can to get results for the people of the state of Alabama.” 

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Reed said there are several hallmarks of what he plans to do as President Pro Tem:


Reed continued: “One, I want to support every member of this body. It is very important to me to be able to do that. 


“Two, I want to focus on communication. I want to maintain a steady line of communication within the Senate body. … And I want the people of Alabama to know what this Senate is doing on their behalf. 


“And number three, like each of you, I want to be focused on trying to make the lives of Alabamians better tomorrow than they are today because of the actions taken by this Senate.”


Reed concluded: “I believe we're all here for the same reason: that is to move things forward for our state in a positive way. I'm going to continue to work with each of you to make sure we do just that. It is an honor for me to serve as president of this body.”

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78 Photo Essay: Hannah Dutton, Volleyball Player, Chattanooga State