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78 Photo Essay: Sandy Prescott, Administrator, Lakewood Senior Living

Words by Erin Shockey | Image by Blakeney Clouse 

Many of us are guilty of this: we live our lives, overlooking the brevity of life while years pass expeditiously under our noses, until one day we look up to find our golden years on the horizon. The question many ask in this stage of life is, “What’s next?” For every resident who walks through the doors of Lakewood Senior Living in Jasper, the answer to that question is simple as they are given a second chance at living life to the fullest. 

Providing Lakewood residents with the quality of life they deserve is possible because of Lakewood’s caring staff. One administrative staff member, Sandy Prescott, brought her expertise and passion to Lakewood three years ago after serving as a nursing home administrator for 35 years. 

“Really and truly my story is the people I serve,” says Sandy. “I feel like I am an accumulation of all the wonderful people I have served, the people I work beside, and the families I’ve come to know. They have made me who I am today.”

For Sandy, the most rewarding part of her job is watching residents “come back to life” at Lakewood. The staff’s structure and routine help improve residents’ mental acuity. 

“Most people, as they age, become isolated because they can’t do the things they used to,” Sandy says. “At Lakewood, we catch residents in the in-between where they still have their independence.”

All residents live independently in their own apartments but have access to the Lakewood staff 24/7 when needed. Residents come and go as they please while enjoying delicious meals, regular activities, and a loving community. 

Lakewood’s full-time activities coordinator plans daily activities for the residents to participate in—bingo, cornhole and board games are among their favorites. These activities provide a crucial socialization aspect for residents and an enjoyable outlet for mental and physical exercise.

“Everything is driven by what our residents love. We want to nurture what they are passionate about,” Sandy shares. “If our residents did something before moving to Lakewood and it was enjoyable to them, we try to find a way for them to do it here.”

Local families in Walker County don’t have to look far to find assisted living for their loved ones where they are treated just like family. Where the answer to “What’s next?” is found in people like Sandy Prescott. 78