78 Featured Athletes – Lauren Brand and Devin Daniel – Carbon Hill High


Stop by anytime, and you will see that Carbon Hill High School is brimming with activity. Walking the halls of this refreshing venue are two student-athletes who are certain to leave their mark on the institution, Lauren Brand and Devin Daniel. 

Here’s a little more about these two shining stars: 


 Lauren Brand 

Lauren Brand is a senior at Carbon Hill this year and plays outside hitter for Ross and Pollyann Waters, a husband-and-wife team who coach the Bulldog volleyball team. 

Lauren’s favorite subject in school is history, but she plans to attend Bevill State Community College after graduation so she can become an RN. Later, Lauren wants to go into travel nursing. 

The daughter of Joanna and Chris Brand, Lauren has a 4.12 GPA and is involved in school activities like the FBLA, FFA, Beta Club, and National Honor Society. 


Devin Daniel 

The accolades are already piling up for Carbon Hill junior running back Devin Daniel, who was recently named Player of the Week by the Daily Mountain Eagle. Devin also says his favorite subject is history, and he plans to pursue this discipline when he goes to college. 

Devin’s head football coach is Mark Cochran, who is in his first year at Carbon Hill. Devin is the son of Bobby Daniel. 

Please congratulate these two scholar-athletes for being our 78 Magazine Featured Athletes of the Week! 78 


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