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Going Toward the Light

“We were just talking one day and [Dad] said, “When are you going to come to Dreamland? … my dad had done so much for me—sent me to college, bought my first car—and it was my time to give back and let him fully retire. I prayed a lot about it, cried a lot about it, and made the decision that it was time.”

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Making a Difference in the Courtroom

. “A lot of times in juvenile cases, you come across parents who maybe screwed up in the past,” she says. “Perhaps they had addiction or mental health issues and have since turned their lives around for the better. I help those individuals get reunited with their kids.”

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C.A.S.T. for Kids Has Us Hooked

“I got the guys together and I said, ‘Guys, I need your help,” Bobby remembers. “’Y’all don’t know how fortunate you are to be able to go fishing just about any time that you want to go, but these kids probably get to go once a year.’

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Worth the Journey

“I am blessed with such a wonderful husband,” she says. “James is my biggest supporter, so I told him his name should also be on my nursing degree because I couldn’t have done it without the love of my life.”

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