C.A.S.T. for Kids Has Us Hooked


Words by Ansley Goodson | Images by Al Blanton 


With their fishing rods gripped tightly in hand and a volunteer fishing partner by their side, 40 special needs children anxiously anticipate the first catch of the day. Standing on the shore of Walker County Lake, each child wonders when the first fish will take the bait and how long they will have to wait to reel it in. A nibble here and there sparks excitement, but to the children, it’s all about the catch.

This year’s Sixth Annual C.A.S.T. for Kids Special Needs Fishing Event will be held at Walker County Lake on October 8th from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., and expectations are higher than ever.

Each child wonders what could be nibbling at the end of that hook? A largemouth bass? A bluegill? A redear sunfish? Maybe a catfish, crappie, or a hybrid striped bass? 

As long as the fish is on the hook, the crowd is guaranteed to go wild. 

To better accommodate attendees, the event is now a shore fishing event at the lake, and each child will be given the opportunity to be shuttled during school hours as a field trip. A lunch with drinks will also be provided. Children are required to have a parent or guardian present; however, volunteers will be on-site and paired one-on-one with each fisherman. A photo of the C.A.S.T. Kid, their catch, and their volunteer fishing partner will be inserted into an award plaque and presented at the special awards ceremony to follow the event.


The man behind the magic, planning, fundraising, and directing of the event is Bobby Hand. Bobby has been involved since the first event at Smith Lake Dam in 2015, when he volunteered his boat as a vessel to show the C.A.S.T. Kids a fishing phenomenon catered especially to them.

He has teamed up with the Jasper City Schools to make this year’s event even better. His goal is to make sure that any child who wants to continue fishing after the event will have the necessary equipment to cast a line any time they please. Each child will take home their very own fishing rod and reel, tackle box, T-shirt, hat, and a special award plaque to honor their fishing achievement.

Back in 2019, Bobby met with the Jasper High School fishing anglers to ensure that the first event held at Walker County Lake would be a hit.

“I got the guys together and I said, ‘Guys, I need your help,” Bobby remembers. “’Y’all don’t know how fortunate you are to be able to go fishing just about any time that you want to go, but these kids probably get to go once a year.’ The day of the event, these guys stepped up. I was so proud of them. You wouldn't think teenage boys would be as attentive as they were.”

That year, Bobby took a local C.A.S.T. Kid named Bo for a boat ride on the lake. As Bobby guided the boat along the water, he felt an arm around his shoulder. 

“I’m having the time of my life!” Bo told him. 

Bobby says he feels optimistic about the future of C.A.S.T. for Kids in Walker County. “I think if we get a lot of exposure, it'll be here for a while,” he says. “The community really supports it. I don't see it going away. I'm 71 years old and hopefully, the Good Lord will let me stay here. As long as I'm here, I will be doing it.” 78

For more information about C.A.S.T. for Kids, please contact Bobby Hand at (205) 385-2211. 




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Soul of 78: Teresa Sherer, Five Points Pharmacy