Murray Hosts AD/HD Seminar at The Alabama Baptist
Words and Images by Al Blanton
Morris Murray, a local healthcare management specialist, recently hosted an Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Distorder (AD/HD) seminar at the offices of The Alabama Baptist (TAB) newspaper in Homewood, Alabama.
The overall goals of the seminar were to: learn more accurately the nature and makeup of AD/HD—its essential features, traits, and associated features which may also accompany this health concern; to gain insight into its 12 different causes—which, according to Murray, is far more than just a chemical imbalance; to develop skills in providing intervention or treatment options for both children and adults; and to assess and adopt practical skills for potentially preventing AD/HD in children.
Morris, who serves in a variety of roles related to mental and spiritual health and has had articles published in numerous online and print outlets, initially connected with TAB when the newspaper published Morris’s free Bible Study commentaries, study guides, and articles several years ago. According to Murray, when TAB President and Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Rash learned of his healthcare concerns in a variety of areas, she asked if they could partner and conduct interviews and seminars on a variety of subjects.
“We initially focused on Alzheimer's Disease and conducted a seminar on this subject at the Birmingham office,” says Murray.
Pictured above is Morris Murray and Jessica Ingram, seminar coordinator.
Two radio podcasts to promote the seminar followed, as well as the seminar itself, which was held on Dec. 4, 2019 and co-hosted by Miller Piggott, Executive Director of Alzheimer's of Central Alabama in Birmingham.
Later, Morris hosted 3 other radio podcasts with TAB about Children and Divorce, leading the way for the AD/HD seminar held on January 17.
Murray hopes that these seminars will help people in the church and their family members who are dealing with a variety of mental and emotional issues. Philosophically, Murray believes that the gospel and mental health are not in competition with one another, but rather the good news of God is designed to increase and promote mental health.
“As the Bible says, ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he’ (Prov. 23:7),” Murray says. “In other words, thinking produces feelings/emotions and actions/behaviors. In Philippians 4:8, the Bible also advocates appropriate ways of thinking. There are many other ways in which the Bible and mental health function in conjunction with one another. So, the gospel and mental health are meant to be partners rather than opponents in life. There are many avenues or means by which this partnership is to be understood and implemented.” 78