78 Photo Essay: Stephen Williams

Cadet, U.S. Naval Academy

Words by Erin Shockey | Image by Al Blanton


As he watched the Blue Angels slice through the vibrant, Pensacola sky, middle-schooler Stephen Williams imagined what it might be like to be a pilot in the U.S. military. That visit to the National Naval Aviation Museum while on vacation with his family sparked his interest in flying at a young age.

“In the museum, you get to see all the planes and read about pilots who flew in the Navy,” Stephen says. “They seem like superheroes, doing all these amazing things.”

This spirit of adventure burned brightly in Stephen’s childhood. And the frequent times he spent with his Papa growing up were always brimming with excitement and new experiences.

“I was always at his house, learning everything from shooting guns to cutting wood, building fires, and driving cars,” Stephen smiles. 

In high school, Stephen played tennis and was active in the Jasper Viking band. When his high school years came to an end, he was ready to take his dream of flying to new heights and continue his education. After considering the Air Force Academy and West Point, his choice became clear.

“I knew that if I was going to fly, I wanted to fly fighter jets,” Stephen says. “That’s when I decided on the Naval Academy.”

The Academy is located in Annapolis, Maryland, a sailing town nestled along the Chesapeake Bay. Now a sophomore, Stephen is studying quantitative economics with an interest in surface warfare and flying.

“Whether I choose surface warfare or flying, I know I want to get my MBA, no matter what. That is one of my goals in life,” he says.

Although he has faced various challenges while striving to meet his goals, Stephen says his family’s support has made all the difference. His parents, Greg and Rachel Williams, taught him to stay humble and work hard, which has helped him in his transition to the Academy. 

“I have met some of the best people I have known my whole life here,” Stephen says. “At the Academy, everybody is very driven, smart, and has a plan for their life. They push themselves and they push me. I am surrounded by the best of the best.” 

Once Stephen graduates from the Academy, he will serve as a U.S Navy Officer. Stephen hopes that as an officer he will be able to visit parts of the world he has never seen. No matter where the Navy takes him, though, his family’s support and knowledge from the Academy will anchor him in the years to come. 78



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